Sunday, 26 January 2014

Work , as a Positive Distraction

Work  , as a Positive Distraction

The road to happiness lies in two simple principles: find what it is that interests you and that you can do well, and when you find it, put your whole soul into it – every bit of energy and ambition and natural ability you have.”  John D Rockefeller III, Philanthropist. This quote has kept us going on in our life . It has helped me stay focused.
We read many stories in newspapers, on the Internet, watch on TV or get to know when talking to others. But we never give a thought that we might experience this someday , I guess we are humans living on hope and optimism.
Future is unpredictable , no one knows what it has in store for us. Personally & Professionally. I thought to myself –  I can’t prevent adversities or tragedies coming my way, but what I  can do is accept reality, handle situation(s) with maturity and move forward in life. So ,  go around and check on how others manage such personal tragedies. Easier said than done. Few wise advises I could recollect :-
§  Be Positive – By looking at things that you still have rather than fretting over what you have lost
§  Support of family and friends – By seeking comfort in togetherness by reaching out to near and dear ones
§  Spirituality and meditation – Seems to be one of the most popular and effective coping mechanism
§  Live to Learn – Look at challenges as opportunities to grow and evolve
Interestingly, one of the researches carried on the survivors of 9/11 actually brought out that ‘remaining positive and having the will to go on’ was one of the most important attributes which helped the victims cope up with this tragedy, better.
Mr. Rockefeller’s quote “ Work became my positive distraction. A means to keep my negative thoughts out of that midget brain. Therapeutic. “
We live in testing and unpredictable times and as they say ‘Change’ is the only constant in our lives- both personally and professionally. Unfortunately, not all the ‘events’ happening around us are favorable or even predictable. Remember the wise saying – ‘What doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger’.
When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. I am sure all of us have our own ways of dealing with challenges and unpleasant incidents. I would love to hear back on how you or anyone whom you know dealt with such situations. What helped you or them maintain a positive attitude in those difficult periods.
Work and Stay positive.

Time ..... Use it or Lose it

Time ..... Use it or Lose it

If you had a bank that credited your account each morning with $86,400—with no balance carried from day to day—what would you do? Well, you do have such a bank…..TIME. Every morning it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it rules off as “lost” whatever you have failed to use toward good purposes. It carries over no balances and allows no overdrafts. You can’t hoard it, save it, store it, loan it or invest it. You can only use it—time.
Time management is a challenge, which we constantly face through our lives. As a kid balancing time between school, homework, play, sleep and of course doing things you love to do and wanted to do. We carry this challenge to our adult life, where it only gets complicated with multiple demands coming through increased responsibility, both professionally and personally. Research reveals, over the last 20 years, average working time has gone up by 15% and leisure time has gone down by 33%. According to a survey, 40% of adults say if they had more time, they would spend it with family. Quite astonishingly, the we spend about a year of our lives just looking for lost or misplaced items!
I came across this article “First Thing Every Morning”, which gave some interesting points of view and some terrific truths about time.
First: Nobody can manage time. But you can manage those things that take up your time.
Second: Time is expensive. As a matter of fact, 80 percent of our day is spent on those things or those people that only bring us two percent of our results.
Third: Time is perishable. It cannot be saved for later use.
Fourth: Time is measurable. Everybody has the same amount of time…pauper or king. It is not how much time you have; it is how much you use and how you use it.
Fifth: Time is irreplaceable. We never make back time once it is gone.
Sixth: Time is a priority. You have enough time for anything in the world, so long as it ranks high enough among your priorities.
Now go ahead and use all your 86,400 seconds wisely. Every Day.